History of the Swiss Association of Hong Kong
The Swiss Association of Hong Kong is a community of members from Switzerland and friends of Switzerland. The organization was founded in 1948, a few years after the second WW. The main objective of the association was to help the Swiss residents in Hong Kong in financial difficulties through the formation of a single, non-profit organization run by volunteers. Over the years, the objective has changed. The origin of our work remains alive today: to provide service to the local Swiss community albeit, these days, in a leisure context and always with the help of volunteers. Fast forward many decades later we are thankful to all who have contributed and helped the SAHK arrive where it is today.
The culture of helping the needy has always been a core value of the SAHK. A third of the membership fees are donated to the Swiss Benevolent Society, which supports any Swiss in need of financial help. The SAHK also cares about the local community and practices giving back to society. Each year the SAHK raises funds for donation to a different charity that helps the various disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong

Timeline of the Swiss Association in Hong Kong
Swiss Benevolent Society (SBS) was incorporated
The SAHK Cowbell was donated by Swissair. From 1960 onwards, the name of the SAHK President was engraved on the cowbell of each year.
The first edition of the Swiss Golf Classic "Melchterli Cup" was held at Shek O Golf and Country Club. Out of the 17 participants, R. Gujer won the competition and receive the trophy.
First open-air National Day celebration, with a view of the harbour and a huge bonfire, attended by 220 participants.
The first Crossbow contest was organised. It was a controlled competition via a telex satellite between the Gurkha of the Royal Hong Kong Signals on-site, and the Swiss Signals Corps in Hasle Ruegsau, Switzerland. In the same year, SAHK and SBS split into two separate entities.
Foundation of the Swiss Rifle Club.
First female President Mrs. Ruth von Siebenthal-Hung.
Swiss Day Event on 22nd June 1991 in celebration of the 700th year anniversary of the Swiss Federal Charter of 1291. First mega Swiss event that took one year in preparation and attended by over 5,000 people at Sha Tin Racecourse. Credit to both Mr. Felix Bieger (SAHK President 1990/1991) and Mr. Fritz Sommerau (SAHK President 1991/1992) for making this event a big success.
The SAHK website was officially launched on the 1st of January, 2000. Mr. Philipp Spielhofer, SAHK web master, created and launched the website at www.swiss-hk.com.
Daniel Wettling started to contribute unique and creative drawings for the s’Alphorn. Later, he also designed the Swiss National Day invitation letter.
Hong Kong receives a seat at the Swiss Abroad Organization and Annemarie Peyer was appointed the first delegate for Hong Kong.
Revision of the Articles of Association.
SAHK celebrated its 70th Anniversary with special events throughout the year.
Revision of the Articles of Association. Rebranding of SAHK with new logo and new website design.